Monday, March 31, 2014

On the Mount of Horeb

First Kings 19: vs. 7-9
Later the Lord’s angel came to him again, touched him, and said, “Get up and eat! If you don’t, you will not be strong enough to make the long trip.” So Elijah got up. He ate and drank and felt strong. Then Elijah walked for 40 days and nights to Mount Horeb, the mountain of God. There Elijah went into a cave and spent the night. ...

If Elijah, or one of his descendants, had journeyed to our Mount Horeb, right here in Wisconsin's Southwestern Dane County,  just down the road from the Blue Mounds, they could have had their eats and drinks with better accommodations.  

Allow me to make a few suggestions. I have never slept in a cave. I am not a member of the Chamber of Commerce and I will not attempt to list every village entity so with that said, let me continue.  

For those who would wish that I would re-locate, please send your donations to the State Bank of Cross Plains (Mt. Horeb branch) Curmudgeon Belize Relocation Fund. 

From what I have heard, Angels are everlasting, but have been known to give some questionable advice. A village can always use a few more Angels. What we do have is an abundance of advice, and we do have plenty of Trolls.

Our Trolls are mostly of the quiet type, and they definitely are not everlasting.  We have some that get sick of the weather and retire to bank lobbies and  museums.  You may have to ask at the Chamber of Commerce (click on the name) about any of the missing trolls.  The Chamber has a nice building with all kinds of information.  It is located on Main Street near Walters and Open House Imports.

Field Guide to Trolls
But I'm here to report that more Trolls keep appearing, so you won't be disappointed if you come here looking for trolls.  They all aren't the original Mike Feeney creations, and some have only a smidgen of Trollness.  But even curmudgeons can appreciate effort, though we may do so while mumbling in our beer.  Anyhow do bring your cameras. (click on the book or on Troll Walk).  A click on ( Mike Feeney) should lead you to his studio.  

For the present day Elijahs, those of you who are hikers and bikers,  Schubert's would be a good choice for a hearty breakfast. We have buried most of the grumpy old men who used to claim the back tables each morning, so seat yourself wherever you want.  

Sjolands Chocolate House is a good alternative for a coffee, a confection treat or lunch.  Be forewarned about walking past the pastry display.

Schubert's       and        Sjoland's

The cave in our area is called The Cave of the Mounds. I don't think they will let you spend the night but you can definitely take a tour. (see their web site here)  

Cave of the Mounds takes its name from the Blue Mounds, two large hills which have long been Wisconsin landmark features. The West Mound, at 1716 feet, is the highest point in Southern Wisconsin; the East Mound reaches 1489 feet. Cave of the Mounds lies under the southern slope of the East Mound.

We have plenty of gift stores, artist studios and galleries. We even have one of those locally owned bookshops where the proprietor (John) knows about books. 

Many of the artist's studios will be open during the annual Art Tour on June 6-8 2014, (see the participating artists here)

Just a sampling of our many shops

We also have an award winning museum,  staffed by volunteers of the Mt. Horeb Area Historical Society.

  It is located at 100 South Second Street, just behind The Prairie Bookshop and across the street from the Grumpy Troll

 It is open Friday to Sunday from May to December.  To find out more about the museum and the archives (click here)

...and we have black and red fire engines and ambulances.  You may want to visit or scroll through their website. Every year The Mount Horeb Volunteer Fire Department and EMS sponsor a Fire Muster.  Fun for the whole family.  Check it on the website.

and after hours for beers we have numerous bars and a micro-brewery called the Grumpy Troll, which also serves food.  For those with a taste for that other beverage, we have the Fisher King Winery

I am sure you will enjoy your visit.  Many changes have taken place in Mt. Horeb since this blog was originally posted a number of years ago. Before your visit you may want to check with the Chamber of Commerce. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Curmudgeon Company

H. L Mencken 



noun: a bad tempered, difficult, cantankerous person.

Related forms: cur·mudg·eon·ly, adjective
Synonyms: grouch, crank, bear, sourpuss, crosspatch.

Using Curmudgeon in a Sentence

  •  Lovable curmudgeon of 60 Minutes, Andy Rooney, dead at 92
  • Perhaps all this has made me into an old curmudgeon that has little sympathy for what has gone on, in or out, of academia.
  • Our friend and colleague Bob Whatshisname tells us that he is studying to become a curmudgeon in his old age. (Get a life Bob, either you is one or you ain't)

In 2015, National Curmudgeon Day better be on January 29th.

"The only thing that holds a marriage together is the husband being big enough to step back and see where the wife is wrong"  Archie Bunker

Oh and I almost forgot one of my favorites. Throughout his career, Edmund Wilson would often answer fan mail and outside requests for his time with this form postcard:

Edmund Wilson regrets that it is impossible for him to: Read manuscripts, write books and articles to order, write forewords or introductions, make statements for publicity purposes, do any kind of editorial work, judge literary contests, give interviews, conduct educational courses, deliver lectures, give talks or make speeches, broadcast or appear on television, take part in writer's congresses, answer questionnaires, contribute to or take part in symposiums or 'panels' of any kind, contribute manuscripts for sales, donate copies of his books to libraries, autograph books for strangers, allow his name to be used on letterheads, supply personal information about himself, supply photographs of himself, supply opinions on literary or other subjects

Old Curmudgeon is a well received beer from Founder’s Brewery. It’s an Old Ale, which means that Founder’s brews the beer then they let it age in oak barrels before bottling it. This gives the beer a very rich malt flavor that tastes like it would be at home in a port town. The brewing process involves molasses that offers some sweetness, but only enough to complement what is already given to the beer by the malt. It’s pretty high ABV at 9.8% so it is perfect for when it’s chilly outside. Address: 235 Grandville Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503