Tuesday, April 1, 2014

to my fellow Gout Sufferers

Gout, doctors tell us, "is caused by the deposition of monosodium urate crystals in the joints. These build up when there is an excess of uric acid in the blood, which the body cannot excrete. Being relatively insoluble, the uric acid crystallizes and forms deposits, usually in the extremities - usually the big toe or ankle, sometimes the fingers or wrist. These crystals are excruciatingly painful..."

 The pain, accurately described by the physician Thomas Sydenham 300 years ago as 'violent, stretching, gnawing . . . so exquisite that it cannot bear the weight of bedclothes' still seems accurate.  The big difference today is a more sympathetic medical profession,  fellow sufferers who have heightened awareness and the drugs.  
Gout is as old as civilization. Indeed, there is a strong argument that it is a disease of civilization.  I guess the message here is that we goutists, yes that's a word, and I have the web site evidence to prove it, best take our malady seriously.  Watch your diet, avoid alcoholic beverages, shellfish, asparagus and any other foods which are high in uric acid.  Keep the emergency meds close at hand and avoid punching out the sniggerers. There are a number of on-line gout support groups.  I have linked to the one sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation called Tackle Gout.

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